Face Mask Synthetic Blood Penetration Tester

Adhering to American, British or European norms for visual assessment of color under standard light conditions. Visual assessment area two feet.

Light Sources:
D65, TL84, CWF – 2 Nos each
UVB – 1 No each.
Filament Lamps – 4 Nos.

Adherent Standards:
ISO 3664 / ASTM D1729 / BS950 / DIN6173

About the Instrument:

This Instrument used to determine the resistance of medical protective masks to the penetration of synthetic blood under different test pressures. It can also be used to determine the blood penetration resistance of other coating products.

Standards: IS 16289 D, ASTM F2100, ASTM F1862, BS EN14683


  • The convex sample fixing device can simulate the actual state of use of a mask, leave a test target area without damaging the sample, and distribute the synthetic blood in the target area of the sample.
  • The special constant pressure spray device can spray a certain volume of synthetic blood in a controlled time.
  • The tester can fully simulate the human body’s average blood pressure of 10.6 kPa, 16 kPa & 21.3 kPa spray speeds of testing.
  • Equipped with a target plate, which can block the high pressure edge portion of the sprayed liquid flow, and only led the study state flow portion be sprayed on the sample, which increases the accuracy and repeatability of the liquid velocity sprayed on the sample.
  • Touch screen with computer connectivity.

Instrument Specification : 

 Spraying distance          :         300 – 305 mm

Nozzle Diameter             :         0.84 mm

Spraying Speed              :         450 cm/s, 550 cm/s, 635 cm/s.

Stimulate Pressure        :         10.6 kPa, 16.0 kPa, 21.3 kPa.

Power supply                 :         AC 220V 50Hz.